2012年2月9日 星期四

Costume Design

Had fun with costume making in these 2 days, really enjoyable and tried to build the character in 3D by my own hands. The fashion show was incredible, good job everyone :)

2012年2月6日 星期一

Dog Drawing

Drew my friend's dog, his name is Fatbo.
It looks like a Shiba Inu, but it is actually a Pomeranian.

2012年2月3日 星期五

Movie Drawing: Godzilla(1954)

I borrowed a B/W monster movie called: Godzilla.
It is released in 1954, the first monster horror movie in Japan. 
I captured some screenshots and made some 2 drawings.

I found the relationship between B/W very interesting, and the counter space helps a lot when you are drawing.

2012年2月2日 星期四

Movie review: Princess Mononoke - Hayao Miyazaki

I watched this animation tonight, it was an awesome animation.  A very good reference of story making, and art direction.